Arrival & Dismissal
7/1/2023 2:22 pm
Arrival and Dismissal are extremely important parts of students days. Please review the below information to make sure you and your child(ren) know what to expect at the come and go from school each day.
Student arrival begins at 8:50 AM
Bus Riders
- Bus riders will be dropped off at the main entrance and greeted by school staff. (labeled above in yellow)
Car Riders/Drop-offs
- Students being dropped off will use the loop at the west end of the building (labeled above in red) towards NAI.
- Students may not be let out of their cars until staff report at 8:50am.
- Cars will be directed to exit towards NAI so as not to disrupt the buses leaving campus.
- YMCA students will be be dropped off at the cafeteria entrance and greeted by school staff. (labeled above in grey)
Student dismissal will begin at 3:25 PM
Students will be called from their homeroom over the school intercom system by group. Please take time to revie your student's dismissal plan with them at home, including learning their bus number.
Bus Riders
- Bus riders will be called by bus number.
- A color coded bus tag will be sent to each student prior to the first day.
- Please be sure to fill out your child's tag and place in on their backpack.
Car Riders/Pick-ups
- McKnight Elementary will continue to use their card system for pick ups.
- Numbered cards will be sent home with students on their first day.
- Staff members will dismiss students to their parent/guardian after verifying card numbers.
- After the 3:25pm bell, pick-up students will be dismissed to the end of the second grade hallway.
- Students will be picked up at the loop at the west end of the building (labeled above in red).
- For the quickest exit, parents/guardians can park in the NAI lot and walk over to the pick-up location with their numbered card.